Top Places to Visit in Kenya

by Fatima Ibrahim

Exploring Kenya: Top Places to Visit in Kenya.

Nestled within the embrace of the East African Rift Valley lies Kenya, a nation that stands as a premier destination in the region. Renowned for its iconic game reserves and unparalleled wildlife encounters, Kenya captures the imagination of travelers.

In addition, it has a stunning coastline stretching for thousands of kilometers along the waters of the Indian Ocean.

Plus, it means visiting some beaches! Tourists do indeed swarm to the beaches in and around Malindi and Mombasa so they may experience the full exoticism of Zanzibar, complete with the mingling of the aromas of Keralan curries and Arabic tagines, courtesy of the island’s complex and fascinating past.

The cities are also a major part of the region, with Nairobi, one of the biggest in East Africa, standing out as the most vibrant and active.

1. Maasai Mara

This little national reserve in the distant reaches of East Africa is home to what is perhaps the world’s most renowned safari park (sorry, Kruger).

It shares a southern border with Tanzania’s famous Serengeti National Park and exhibits the classic hinterland of the East African Rift, from rolling savannah plains dotted with galloping zebra herds to swaying grasslands punctuated by the lanky stalks of giraffes to meadows of topi and waterholes dotted with cape buffalo.

Seeing the legendary Big Five African creatures and participating in a safari is the main draw for many tourists.

2. Lamu Island

Lamu old town waterfront in Kenya
Lamu Old Town Waterfront, Kenya Image source javarman/

Little Lamu Island, off the coast of Kenya in the Indian Ocean, is home to one of the country’s most historically significant settlements. The island is surrounded by sandbanks, bobbing dhows, mangrove swamps, and the lapping seas of the Indian Ocean.

UNESCO has designated the ancient harbour of Lamu Old Town, with its whitewashed façade and tropical teak wood dwellings, as a World Heritage Site to preserve and share its unique representation of traditional Swahili architecture.

In addition, the settlements of Shela and Matondoni farther down the coast of Lamu include a number of remarkable ports and mosques dating back many centuries, and the ancient Mawlid festivities are a must-see for any cultural vulture.

Top Places to Visit in Kenya: Amboseli National Park

Located as it is just below the massive silhouette of none other than Mount Kilimanjaro, Amboseli certainly lives up to its reputation as one of the finest East African safari parks. Some of the biggest elephant herds in the nation may be seen traversing the arid plains and savannahs, fields of fascinating sulphur spouts, and riparian wetlands that make up this protected reserve in the shadow of that snow-topped peak, the highest on the continent.

Safari visitors nowadays may expect to witness cheetahs, wildebeest, giraffes, zebras, and more in their natural habitat.

4. Nairobi

At first appearance, Nairobi, a sprawling city built almost entirely of steel, is hardly the most attractive African metropolis.

The capital of Kenya, located in the country’s southern heartland, may have a population of about four million, yet it nonetheless has a distinct charisma and lively spirit.

Nairobi National Park, where giraffes and cheetahs face off against the meanders of the Mbagathi River, is one of the reasons the city has gained notoriety; it is the only major metropolis in the world to include such a park inside its borders.

Combine it with one of Kenya’s greatest nightlife scenes and a series of wonderful central marketplaces that boil with East African hotpots and delicacies, and you have a town that is well worth the layover.

Top Places to Visit in Kenya: Hell’s Gate National Park

Hell’s Gate occupies a modest 68 square kilometres between Nairobi and the outlying town of Nakuru in southern Kenya.

Amazing granite outcrops poke up out of the scrubby ground, giving the area a surreal and unique landscape.

High escarpments and deep valleys sculpted into the landscape give rise to peculiarly named features like Fischer’s Tower and the huge Embarta; the location is often credited as the basis for Disney’s The Lion King.

Wildebeest, vultures, African buffalo, Thomson’s gazelle, and maybe even lion prides can all be seen roaming the canyons and gorges.

6. Tsavo East National Park

The vast tracts of Tsavo East, one of the oldest and biggest national parks in all of East Africa, consistently rank among the world’s best places to go on safari.

A tapestry of waving savannah grasses and red-hued boulders rise like escarpments from the dry, parched soils, tumbling down from the sun-baked mountains of the Chyulu Hills that straddle the border with Tanzania to the south.

To the east of the park, the Athi River flows into Yatta, one of the biggest lava channels in the world, with its huge stones.

The animals range from white-tailed mongooses to cape buffalo, ground pangolins to cheetahs.

Top Places to Visit in Kenya: Mombasa

Mombasa is a mysterious and lovely destination, with an air as exotic as that of neighbouring Zanzibar and a history as rich as any of East Africa’s towns.

Even though colonial buildings and great mosques were erected in the streets under the influence of the former Portuguese and Arabic rulers, Swahili traditions and customs have remained strong.

Spend some time exploring the Old Town with its European flavour, eating some of the spicy curries inspired by Indian cuisine, and seeing the bustle of Mombasa port.

Don’t waste too much time, however, for the beaches of Bamburi and beyond, all the way to the palm tree groves of Shanzu, are waiting for you.

8. Malindi

Welcome to Malindi, a village of tin shacks and ancient mosque minarets, where the water is always warm and the beach is always pure white. This once-small trade post on Kenya’s Indian Ocean coast has exploded in popularity with Westerners in search of a taste of the warm weather and salty seas of East Africa in recent decades.

Reminders of the Portuguese explorers The historic Vasco da Gama Pillar stands in the city’s heart as a testament to its lengthy history, but the most popular attractions are the palm tree-lined beaches and resorts, charming piazzas, and delicious pizza.

Top Places to Visit in Kenya: Samburu National Reserve

Located in the centre of Kenya is the Samburu National Reserve.

Though it is located hundreds of miles from the ocean and on the very edge of the rising highlands that characterise East Africa, the region is kept alive by the meandering trickle of the Ewaso Ng’iro, which originates at the icy peak of Mount Kenya and winds its way down to the valley below.

Wildlife in this area includes lions, gazelles, Tanzanian cheetahs, waterbucks, crocodiles, and olive baboons, while the landscape is characterised by flat-topped acacia trees and the odd riparian oasis of palms.

10. Lake Nakuru

With the creation of Lake Nakuru National Park, the lake itself is now inside the park’s boundaries.

A tiny blue dot on the Kenyan landscape, this mysterious body of water is nestled in between acacia forests and grassy plains, high above the Great Rift Valley.

The flamingos provide a pinkish glow to the landscape for most of the year and are the primary reason for the area’s notoriety as a birding destination.

Stunning vistas may be seen from the vantage points atop Baboon Cliff, and then visitors can explore the winding dirt trails that hug the shore in search of Eastern black rhinos, baboons, and innumerable migratory birds.

Top Places to Visit in Kenya: Laikipia

Despite widespread scepticism, Kenya’s Laikipia District has quickly become a popular destination for ecotourists.

The area sprang onto the scene with just the allure of its natural wilderness to draw visitors, since it lacked any iconic national parks or wildlife reserves.

It all changed when tourism businesses discovered the pristine beauty of the rolling green hills and mountains that rise and fall here.

Numerous safari enthusiasts now go here to see uncommon animals like Grevy’s zebras, wild canines, and black rhinos in their natural habitats. Popular locations for these safari goers include the Sosian Game Ranch and the Ol Ari Nyiro Conservancy.

12. Lake Naivasha

Hippopotamus showing over the waters of Lake Naivasha
Hippopotamus in Lake Naivasha, KenyaImage source: Ivan Mateev/

Mirror-like, this body of water is one of the great gems of the Kenyan Rift, along with Lake Nakuru to the north-west.

The park is known for its vibrant wildlife, and its blue waters reflect the red sandstone ridges of Hell’s Gate.

You may see ospreys, hawks, and eagles, as well as the very uncommon bearded vultures.

In addition, the adjacent mountains are home to geothermal power facilities and other geological phenomena, making Naivasha an increasingly popular tourist destination.

Top Places to Visit in Kenya: Kisumu

Aerial view of Nandi Hills in Kenya with a landscape of lush green land, hills, and distant mountains.
Aerial view of Nandi Hills in KenyaImage source: Jen Watson/

Kisumu’s proximity to Lake Victoria and the major roads leading east to Nairobi, Mombasa, and the Indian Ocean port cities makes the city’s origins in commerce not unexpected.

It’s been quite up and down in the previous couple of decades, with fewer steamboats and transport in use.

Kisumu is now undergoing revitalization, and the city’s historical traditions and natural beauties are once again held in high regard.

Dunga Beach and the Kisumu Town Clock in the city’s heart provide more than just excellent freight and oil pipelines, so ignore the former and focus on the latter instead.

14. Nyeri

"Aerial view of rocky mountain range in Kenya"
“Dragons Teeth – Aberdare Ranges, Nyeri County, Kenya”Image source: Dedan Miricho/

This town of Nyeri considers itself to be the entry point to Kenya’s Central Highlands.

It’s essentially a dusty transit hub, with whirring scooters and rickshaws zipping through the town’s square-cut streets and between the low-rise markets.

Aberdare National Park is home to leopards, African wild dogs, huge forest pigs, cape buffalos, rhinos, and more; Mount Suswa and the South-western Mau Reserve are all easily accessible from the park, making it a true magnet for outdoor enthusiasts.

Top Places to Visit in Kenya: Marsabit

Out of the huge northern Kenyan desert rises a village of shabby tin houses and lean-to wood shacks, a destination for conservationists and ethical travellers.

Several aid organisations have made it their goal to help the indigenous people living there by building schools, constructing water systems, and so on.

The town lies about 422 kilometres from Nairobi, making it a little out of the way, but it also gives visitors an opportunity to experience a more remote, desert, and relatively undiscovered part of Kenya.

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