10 Most Beautiful Islands in Brazil

by Helena Felipe
Aerial view of Abraao Beach in Ilha Grande, Brazil with turquoise water and lush green mountains in the background.

The greatest carnival in the world is held in Brazil, which is also famed for its gorgeous and hospitable people, the samba, and, of course, the incredible Amazon rainforest. Did you know, though, that Brazil is also home to a number of stunning island chains? Therefore, if you have ever wished you could escape to a remote tropical location, the following beautiful Brazilian islands are a must-see.

10. Ilha do Cardoso

Located near the southernmost tip of the state of Sao Paulo, this island is so rugged that it was declared a state park in 1962. Many kinds of whales, seals, and dolphins may be found in the seas around this island. You may even go for a swim with wild dolphins if you’re fortunate!

Ilha do Cardoso is a wonderful getaway, particularly for those interested in wildlife. This beautiful island is characterized by its rocky shores, picturesque waterfalls, pristine pools, and lush woods. This island, much like the seas around it, is brimming with life. You might perhaps see monkeys, alligators, otters, and parrots while exploring this area.

9. Ilha do Marajo

Among Brazil’s islands, Ilha do Marajo stands out as a true rarity. The mouth of the Amazon River is where you’ll find it, rather than the ocean. It’s also rather big, around the size of Switzerland. In reality, Ilha do Marajo is the world’s biggest fluvial island.

The tidal bore waves in the river on this island may reach heights of 4 meters, adding to the island’s notoriety (13 feet). Thousands of birds, including herons and magnificent scarlet ibises, make Ilha do Marajo their home. Here on this island, time moves at a more leisurely pace. To provide just one example, water buffalo are a common sight throughout the city. Therefore, this island is ideal for a holiday if you’re seeking peace and quiet in a natural environment.

8. Ilha do Campeche

The island of Ilha do Campeche, off the coast of Florianopolis, has beautiful white sand beaches and crystal clear water, making it an ideal spot for snorkeling. Contrary to appearances, this is not just another beautiful island. Furthermore, about a hundred petroglyphs have been discovered there.

You may take a tour to visit these artifacts if you are interested. The daily tourist restriction was put in place to protect this wonderful island. The little island may only be explored for a maximum of four hours. During the colder months, travelers cannot access Ilha do Campeche.

7. Ilha de Itamaraca

Ilha de Itamaraca is a popular vacation spot for those living in and around Recife and Olinda due to its convenient location off the coast of Pernambuco. Fort Orange, constructed by the Dutch in 1631, is only one of several fascinating historical structures on this enchanting island. Ilha de Itamaraca is a great place to visit if you’re interested in water sports.

Among the many possible activities on and around this island are kitesurfing, jet skiing, swimming, and kayaking through the mangroves. The Manatee Preservation Center is a popular destination for families and animal enthusiasts alike.

6. Ilha do Mel

Those who have been to Ilha do Mel would attest that it lives up to its name—Honey Island. Ilha do Mel is blessed with beautiful beaches and lush woods, making it an ideal place to get away from it all.

In order to get about the island, visitors must either walk or hire bicycles since the island prohibits the use of motor vehicles. And the locals are very dedicated to maintaining the island’s natural beauty while also attracting ecotourists. One of the best things to do on Ilha do Mel is to explore the sea cave known as Gruta das Encantadas, also spelled Grotto of the Enchanted.

5. Ilhabela

The Ilhabela Islands are a collection of islands off the coast of northern Sao Paulo. Ilhabela’s name comes from the Portuguese word for “beautiful island,” and it’s easy to see why. The Brazilian islands have more than 360 waterfalls and beautiful beaches. Wild monkeys and around 300 kinds of birds, including toucans, live in the country’s dense tropical woods.

Rolex International Sailing Week is the biggest sailing tournament in Latin America, and it takes place every year in Ilhabela, Brazil, which is renowned as the sailing capital of Brazil. These islands are also a popular destination for other water activities, such as surfing and snorkeling.

4. Ilha de Santa Catarina

Despite its modest size, this island packs a lot of interesting experiences. Florianopolis, the capital of Santa Catarina, may be found on the island of Santa Catarina. The downtown part of this city is rich in history, and it also has a vibrant nightlife.

Joaquina Beach is a famous surfing destination, and it’s only one of several beautiful beaches on Ilha de Santa Catarina. Ilha de Santa Catarina is known for its gorgeous beaches, but it also has lakes, dunes, and forests of Brazilian pine trees. Tourists from neighboring nations, including Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, flock to this island because of the two suspension bridges that link it to the mainland.

3. Ilha de Tinhare

The Morro de Sao Paulo, a little town on this stunning island, is possibly the island’s best-known landmark. This little town has no roads or automobiles, but it does have four beautiful beaches with simple, memorable names like “First,” “Second,” “Third,” and “Fourth.”

Among tourists, Second Beach is the most well-known due to the abundance of restaurants and nightlife options it provides. Besides Grapua, Gamboa, and Galeao, Ilha de Tinhare is home to a number of additional communities. There is a lot to see and do on Ilha de Tinhare. The water is clear and warm; the water is great for swimming and snorkeling. Trekking is another common way to explore the island. Boipeba, a smaller island in the vicinity, is also a popular tourist destination.

2. Ilha Grande

Ilha Grande, around 160 km (100 mi) from Rio de Janeiro, is a good option if you’re seeking a relatively unspoiled island. Interesting things have happened on this island throughout its history.

For almost 90 years, it held some of Brazil’s greatest offenders in addition to its original purpose as a leper colony. Since the jail was closed in 1994, however, the island has become more popular with vacationers in search of stunning scenery, including abundant wildlife and pristine beaches. Ilha Grande is a natural reserve, so it is teeming with exotic animals like monkeys, parrots, iguanas, and capybaras.

1. Fernando de Noronha

You’ll need to make preparations in advance if you wish to visit Fernando de Noronha, a group of 21 islands and islets in the Atlantic Ocean. Only 460 people a day are permitted to visit these fragile islands to ensure they remain untouched. And if at all possible, you should make time to see Fernando de Noronha.

That this group of islands is “perhaps the most restful and most beautiful destination in the world” was a claim made by Conde Nast. Furthermore, Fernando de Noronha was named one of the Best Places to Travel in 2014 by the New York Times. This acclaim is entirely warranted.

It is possible to go snorkeling and scuba diving in the clean, tropical seas of Fernando de Noronha, which are full of marine life like fish, dolphins, and turtles. Additionally, these unique and secluded islands are home to several beautiful beaches, coves, and waterfalls.

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