Natural Places Near Bhubaneswar | Guide

by Ontravlex
natural places near bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar, the cultural heart of Odisha, is not just a city of temples; it’s also a gateway to some of nature’s most exquisite wonders. Natural Places Near Bhubaneswar | Guide, This article is your guide to the natural havens that surround Bhubaneswar, inviting you to explore lush forests, serene lakes, and picturesque landscapes. From vibrant bird sanctuaries to tranquil waterfalls, these natural treasures offer an escape into the lap of Mother Nature.

Natural Places Near Bhubaneswar

Nandankanan Zoological Park: Where Wildlife Thrives

BEST PLACES TO VISIT IN BHUBANESWAR WITH FAMILY,  Just 20 kilometers from Bhubaneswar, the Nandankanan Zoological Park stands as a testament to Odisha’s rich biodiversity. Home to white tigers, Asiatic lions, and a variety of exotic birds, this sanctuary allows visitors to observe these magnificent creatures in habitats closely mirroring their natural environments. Natural Places Near Bhubaneswar, The park’s serene ambiance and educational initiatives make it a perfect family outing.

Chandaka-Dampara Wildlife Sanctuary: A Wilderness Retreat

NATURAL PLACES NEAR BHUBANESWAR, For those craving a more immersive wildlife experience, the Chandaka-Dampara Wildlife Sanctuary is a haven. Located near Bhubaneswar, it’s home to elephants, leopards, and numerous avian species. Natural Places Near Bhubaneswar, Guided safaris through dense forests provide an up-close encounter with these animals, offering a thrilling adventure for nature enthusiasts.

Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves: Echoes of Ancient Life

PLACES TO VISIT NEAR BHUBANESWAR, Carved into the hillsides just outside Bhubaneswar, the Udayagiri and Khandagiri Caves tell tales of ancient asceticism. Dating back to the 2nd century BCE, these rock-cut caves served as residences for Jain monks. The intricate carvings and serene ambiance make these caves not only historically significant but also spiritually enriching.

Chausathi Jogini Temple: Mystical Marvel Amidst Nature – Natural Places Near Bhubaneswar | Guide

PLACES TO VISIT IN BHUBANESWAR AT NIGHT, Nestled amidst scenic landscapes, the Chausathi Jogini Temple near Hirapur is a mystical wonder. Surrounded by greenery, this circular temple dedicated to Goddess Kali houses 64 yogini statues. The temple’s peaceful aura and the natural beauty surrounding it create an atmosphere of spiritual serenity.

Deras Dam: A Tranquil Waterfront Retreat

PLACES TO VISIT IN BHUBANESWAR IN ONE DAY, A short drive from Bhubaneswar, the Deras Dam is a hidden gem for nature lovers. Surrounded by rolling hills and lush forests, this reservoir offers a serene ambiance. It’s an ideal spot for picnics, birdwatching, or simply unwinding amidst nature’s tranquility.

Deras Dam: A Tranquil Waterfront Retreat – Natural Places Near Bhubaneswar | Guide

A short drive from Bhubaneswar, the Deras Dam is a hidden gem for nature lovers. Surrounded by rolling hills and lush forests, this reservoir offers a serene ambiance. It’s an ideal spot for picnics, birdwatching, or simply unwinding amidst nature’s tranquility. The calming sound of water, coupled with the verdant surroundings, makes Deras Dam a perfect escape from the city bustle.

Hirakud Dam: India’s Longest Dam and Nature’s Marvel

Venturing a bit farther from Bhubaneswar, the Hirakud Dam awaits, standing tall as India’s longest dam. Built over the mighty Mahanadi River, this engineering marvel also offers breathtaking views of nature. The dam’s vast reservoir, flanked by hills, provides a picturesque setting. It’s a paradise for photography enthusiasts, offering panoramic vistas of the river and the surrounding landscapes.

Balukhand-Konark Wildlife Sanctuary: Coastal Wilderness

Heading towards the coast, the Balukhand-Konark Wildlife Sanctuary beckons with its unique blend of coastal and forest ecosystems. Sprawling over lush greenery, this sanctuary is home to various wildlife species and avian wonders. The pristine beaches adjacent to the sanctuary add to its allure, offering a chance to witness the harmony between land and sea in this ecological paradise.

Bhitarkanika National Park: Mangrove Majesty Continues – Natural Places Near Bhubaneswar | Guide

Extending your coastal exploration, Bhitarkanika National Park presents a mesmerizing tapestry of mangrove forests, estuaries, and diverse wildlife. Apart from being a haven for saltwater crocodiles, it shelters numerous species of birds, reptiles, and mammals. Exploring the meandering waterways amidst the thick mangroves provides an immersive experience in one of India’s most biodiverse regions.

Chilika Lake: Asia’s Largest Coastal Lagoon

No nature exploration near Bhubaneswar is complete without a visit to Chilika Lake, Asia’s largest coastal lagoon. This vast water body is not only a paradise for birdwatchers but also home to the endangered Irrawaddy dolphins. Taking a boat ride across the lake allows you to witness flocks of migratory birds, serene island villages, and the enchanting playfulness of dolphins in their natural habitat.

Natural Places Near Bhubaneswar | Guide

As you venture beyond Bhubaneswar’s urban hustle, these natural wonders unveil the true essence of Odisha. Each destination offers a unique blend of wildlife, history, and scenic beauty, inviting you to immerse yourself in the wonders of the natural world. Embrace the serenity, capture the moments, and let the beauty of these places near Bhubaneswar leave an everlasting imprint on your soul.

People Also Ask :

Which is famous in Bhubaneswar?

Bhubaneswar, the capital of Odisha, India, is famous for its ancient temples, including the iconic Lingaraj Temple and the Mukteshwar Temple. It’s also known for its rich cultural heritage, art, and vibrant festivals.

Is it worth visiting Bhubaneswar?

Yes, Bhubaneswar is worth visiting for its historical significance, architectural marvels, and cultural heritage. It offers a unique blend of ancient traditions and modern developments, making it a fascinating destination for travelers.

What is famous to buy in Bhubaneswar?

Bhubaneswar is known for its intricate handloom textiles, especially the Sambalpuri sarees, which are famous for their vibrant colors and traditional designs. You can also find exquisite silver filigree jewelry, stone and wood carvings, and Pattachitra paintings, a traditional art form of Odisha.

How many days are needed in Bhubaneswar?

To explore the major attractions in Bhubaneswar, including the temples, museums, and nearby heritage sites, a stay of 2 to 3 days would be ideal. This duration allows you to immerse yourself in the city’s rich history and culture.

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