Places To Visit In Vizag For 2 Days | Vacation Guide

by Ontravlex
places to visit in vizag for 2 days

Visakhapatnam, often called Vizag, is a city of contrasts, Places To Visit In Vizag For 2 Days | Vacation Guide, where the serene beaches meet bustling marketplaces and ancient temples coexist with modern attractions. Visakhapatnam’s diverse attractions promise a memorable experience for every traveler. Whether you’re interested in nature, history, entertainment, or gastronomy, the city has something special waiting for you at every turn. Enjoy your extended stay in this vibrant coastal destination! Here’s a tailored itinerary for an unforgettable 2-day visit

Places To Visit In Vizag For 2 Days

Day 1: Exploring the City’s Heritage

Morning: Rushikonda Beach

Best Places To Visit In India, Start your day at Rushikonda Beach, known for its golden sands and clear waters. Places To Visit In Vizag For 2 Days, Enjoy a peaceful morning walk or indulge in water sports for an adventurous start.

Late Morning: Kailasagiri Hill

Head to Kailasagiri Hill, an iconic hilltop park offering panoramic views of the city and the sea. Places To Visit In Vizag For 2 Days, Reach the top via the ropeway for a breathtaking sightseeing experience.

Lunch: Local Seafood Delights

Best Places To Visit In Delhi For Couples , Relish a seafood lunch at one of the beachfront shacks near Rushikonda or Kailasagiri. Places To Visit In Vizag For 2 Days, Vizag is renowned for its fresh and flavorful seafood cuisine.

Afternoon: Visakha Museum and Submarine Museum 

Explore the Visakha Museum, a treasure trove of historical artifacts showcasing the city’s maritime heritage. Next, visit the INS Kurusura Submarine Museum, a unique museum housed inside a real submarine.

Evening: Ramakrishna Beach and RK Beach Road

Best Places To Visit In India, Stroll along the Ramakrishna Beach, a bustling area with vendors, eateries, and souvenir shops. Places To Visit In Vizag For 2 Days, Don’t miss the serene Kali Temple located on the beach. Explore RK Beach Road, perfect for evening shopping and local snacks.

Night: Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary

End your day with a night safari at Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary, where you can encounter the region’s wildlife in their natural habitat under the moonlit sky.

Day 2: Cultural and Spiritual Delights

Morning: Simhachalam Temple

Visit the ancient Simhachalam Temple, dedicated to Lord Narasimha. Places To Visit In Vizag For 2 Days, Experience the divine aura of this revered shrine and witness the morning rituals.

Late Morning: Vizag Port and TU 142 Aircraft Museum

Explore the vibrant Vizag Port, observing the maritime activities. Then, visit the TU 142 Aircraft Museum, displaying a decommissioned aircraft and offering insights into naval aviation.

Lunch: Local Cuisine at Waltair Uplands 

Head to Waltair Uplands, a hub for diverse culinary delights. Places To Visit In Vizag For 2 Days, Try local Andhra cuisine or international fare at one of the restaurants in this area.

Afternoon: Thotlakonda Buddhist Complex

Visit the Thotlakonda Buddhist Complex, an ancient Buddhist site with intriguing ruins. Explore the complex, appreciating the historical significance of the area.

Evening: Yarada Beach 

Spend a peaceful evening at Yarada Beach, a secluded spot known for its picturesque beauty. Places To Visit In Vizag For 2 Days, Enjoy the sunset and the tranquil atmosphere, making it an ideal way to end your trip.

Night: Local Markets and Farewell Dinner

Explore local markets like Jagadamba Junction or Poorna Market for souvenirs and local products. Places To Visit In Vizag For 2 Days, Enjoy a farewell dinner at a beachfront restaurant, savoring Visakhapatnam’s culinary delights.

Additional Recommendations for Your Visakhapatnam Getaway

Visakhapatnam, with its diverse offerings, has even more to explore. Places To Visit In Vizag For 2 Days, Here are additional recommendations to enhance your experience:

Borra Caves

Embark on a day trip to the magnificent Borra Caves, known for their stalactite and stalagmite formations. The intricate patterns inside the caves are a sight to behold, making it a must-visit for nature enthusiasts.

Dolphin’s Nose and Lighthouse

Hike up to Dolphin’s Nose, a natural rock formation resembling a dolphin’s nose. Places To Visit In Vizag For 2 Days, The view from the top, especially during sunset, is awe-inspiring. Don’t miss the nearby Lighthouse, providing panoramic vistas of the coastline.

Ramanaidu Film Studio

Film enthusiasts can explore the Ramanaidu Film Studio, a renowned film production facility in Vizag. Take a guided tour to witness the behind-the-scenes magic of the Telugu film industry.

Matsya Darshini

Indulge in a unique dining experience at Matsya Darshini, a restaurant designed like a fish. Places To Visit In Vizag For 2 Days, Enjoy delectable seafood while surrounded by an aquatic ambiance, adding a touch of novelty to your culinary adventure.

Vizag Central Park

Relax at the Vizag Central Park, a sprawling green space in the heart of the city. Ideal for a leisurely stroll or a peaceful picnic, this park offers a refreshing break from the urban hustle.

Ramkrishna Beach and Rishikonda Viewpoint

Visit Ramkrishna Beach and climb up to Rishikonda Viewpoint for panoramic views of the coastline. The serene beach and the expansive ocean vistas make it a perfect spot for photography enthusiasts.

Sri Kanaka Mahalakshmi Temple

Explore the Sri Kanaka Mahalakshmi Temple, an ancient Hindu temple dedicated to Goddess Mahalakshmi. The temple’s architecture and spiritual ambiance make it a captivating place for cultural immersion.

VUDA Children’s Arena

If you’re traveling with family, consider a visit to the VUDA Children’s Arena. This amusement park offers various rides and activities, ensuring a fun-filled day for kids and adults alike.

Tenneti Park and Beach

Experience the tranquility of Tenneti Park, a lush green space overlooking the beach. It’s an ideal place for a relaxed evening, offering stunning sunset views and a refreshing sea breeze.

Vizag Steel Plant

Discover the marvels of technology at the Vizag Steel Plant, one of India’s largest steel producers. Take a guided tour to witness the steel-making process and gain insights into the industrial landscape of Vizag.


Visakhapatnam’s rich heritage, stunning natural landscapes, and spiritual sites make it a delightful destination for a 2-day getaway. Enjoy every moment of your visit in this charming coastal city. Safe travels!

People Also Ask :

Is 2 days enough to visit Vizag?

Yes, 2 days can provide you with a good overview of the major attractions in Vizag. However, if you want to explore more leisurely or visit nearby places like Araku Valley, you might consider extending your stay.

Which one is famous in Vizag?

Vizag is famous for its pristine beaches, especially RK Beach and Rushikonda Beach. The Submarine Museum, Kailasagiri Hill, Borra Caves, and Araku Valley are also well-known attractions.

How many places to visit in Vizag?

Vizag offers a variety of places to visit, including beaches, museums, parks, and nearby attractions like Araku Valley. There are around 10 to 15 significant places worth exploring in and around the city.

How much does a Vizag trip cost?

The cost of a trip to Vizag can vary widely based on your travel style and preferences. On average, a mid-range budget for a 2-day trip might be around $150 to $200 per person, including accommodation, meals, local transport, and activities. However, this can vary significantly based on your choices of hotels, dining, and activities.

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