worst time to visit kerala

by Ontravlex
"A stunning view of Kerala, worst time to visit kerala."

Looking for a trip to “God’s Own Country,” Kerala? Well, it’s undoubtedly a paradise for travelers, with its stunning landscapes, serene backwaters, lush greenery, and vibrant culture. But wait, before you pack your bags and set off on your adventure, let’s talk about something crucial – timing! You see, Kerala has distinct seasons, and each offers its own set of unique experiences. In this article, we’re going to explore the worst time to visit Kerala, so you can plan your trip wisely and make the most of this enchanting destination. So, let’s dive in and find out when you should avoid visiting Kerala to ensure an incredible journey!

worst time to visit Kerala: Monsoon Season:

The monsoon season in Kerala typically occurs from June to September, bringing heavy rainfall and occasional flooding. While the lush green surroundings might appear inviting, the excessive rains can disrupt travel plans, hinder outdoor activities, and pose safety risks to tourists.

Hot and Humid Summers:

During Kerala’s summer season, which extends from March to May, the weather becomes scorching hot and humid. The soaring temperatures can be uncomfortable for travelers, making it less than ideal for exploring outdoor attractions and engaging in physical activities.

worst time to visit Kerala: Tourist Crowds

Kerala experiences a peak tourist season from December to February, attracting visitors from across the globe. While the influx of tourists indicates the popularity of the destination, it also leads to overcrowding, limited accommodation availability, and inflated prices.

Wildlife Sanctuaries and Animal Migrations:

Certain seasons in Kerala coincide with animal migrations and breeding patterns in its wildlife sanctuaries. Tourists visiting during these times may inadvertently disturb the natural habitats of wildlife, impacting their behavior and overall ecological balance.

worst time to visit Kerala: Off-Season Benefits and Drawbacks

Contrary to popular belief, the off-season in Kerala, which includes the monsoon and summer months, can have its benefits. The fewer crowds offer a more tranquil experience, and budget-conscious travelers may find attractive discounts. However, some tourist attractions may be closed or operate with limited services during this period.

Festivals and Cultural Events:

Kerala is renowned for its vibrant festivals and cultural events that showcase the state’s rich heritage. Tourists may find it disappointing to visit during a time when such festivities are not taking place.

worst time to visit Kerala: Weather-Related Safety Concerns

Safety should always be a priority when traveling, and this becomes especially crucial during adverse weather conditions. Tourists must be aware of weather forecasts and exercise caution during periods of heavy rains or extreme heat.

Special Considerations for Outdoor Activities:

Kerala offers a plethora of outdoor activities such as trekking, boating, and wildlife safaris. However, the feasibility and safety of these activities may vary depending on the season.

Best Time to Visit Kerala:

Considering the factors discussed in this article, the best time to visit Kerala varies depending on individual preferences. Those seeking a peaceful experience might find the off-season appealing, while festival enthusiasts would enjoy the cultural festivities during peak tourist months.

When should we not visit Kerala?

It’s best to avoid visiting Kerala during the peak of the monsoon season, which is from June to September. During these months, Kerala experiences heavy rainfall and occasional floods in some regions. The continuous rain may hinder outdoor activities, and certain tourist spots might be inaccessible due to waterlogging.

Which month is good for Kerala?

The best time to visit Kerala is during the winter and early summer months, from October to May. During this period, the weather is pleasant with cool temperatures, and the rains are less frequent. This makes it an ideal time for sightseeing, enjoying the beaches, and exploring the backwaters.

Is it OK to visit Kerala in July?

July falls within the peak monsoon season in Kerala. While some travelers might enjoy the lush greenery and romantic ambiance of the rainy season, it’s important to be prepared for heavy rainfall and occasional disruptions in outdoor plans. If you don’t mind the rain and want a quieter experience, visiting Kerala in July could be an option.

Is it safe to visit Kerala in the rainy season?

While visiting Kerala during the rainy season can be a unique experience, it’s essential to exercise caution. Heavy rains can lead to floods and landslides in certain areas. Pay attention to weather forecasts and local advisories. Some tourist activities might be limited during this time, but many attractions, especially those in the backwaters and hill stations, can still be enjoyed safely with proper planning.

Plan your trip with ontravelx and get ready for a journey full of breathtaking sights and priceless memories.

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