Croatia Travel Guide

by Ontravlex

Croatia, a country in Central Europe’s Balkan region, has recovered quickly from its War of Independence in the late 1990s to become one of Europe’s most popular tourist destinations once again. Croatia, like the rest of Europe, has its fair share of ancient monuments and mediaeval towns, but the nation really shines because of its abundance of breathtaking natural wonders like the Plitvice Lakes. The Plitvice Lakes are a must-see for every tourist in Croatia due to their stunning blue waters, many waterfalls, and abundant fauna.

Zagreb, the capital, is one of the most important cities in Croatia. Zagreb is home to a thriving arts and cultural scene, in addition to many retail and nightlife options and a picturesque old core complete with cobblestone lanes and mediaeval buildings.

Dubrovnik is Croatia’s most popular city and a major tourist attraction. Dubrovnik is one of the most picturesque cities in the Mediterranean because of its magnificent beaches, rich cultural heritage, and impressive architecture.

The islands of Mljet, with their verdant woods and charming settlements, and Hvar, with its attractive vineyards, mediaeval relics, and lively nightlife scene, make up a portion of Croatia’s stunning coastline.

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Vincent July 9, 2017 - 2:12 am

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