Costa Rica Travel Guide

by Ontravlex

Costa Rica is one of the world’s largest undeveloped playgrounds, despite its relatively modest size. Costa Rica, a country in Central America that shares a border with Nicaragua and Panama, has a diverse landscape consisting of mountains, valleys, forests, volcanoes, beaches, lakes, and rivers and is home to the highest concentration of plant and animal species on Earth. Eco-tourists and adventurers flock to Costa Rica for its stunning landscapes and plenty of outdoor activities.

Chirripo, Arenal Volcano, Corcovado, Manuel Antonio, and Tortuguero are just a few of the national parks that protect nearly a quarter of Costa Rica and provide a safe haven for a wide variety of animals and plants, including sea turtles, monkeys, iguanas, jaguars, tapirs, scarlet macaws, and ocelots. Popular activities in these national parks include trekking through the forest, rafting rapids, zipping down mountains, scaling waterfalls, and discovering underground caverns. The Santa Elena and Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserves are two further examples of pristine ecosystems that are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna.

On the other hand, ecotourism is not the only thing that draws visitors to Costa Rica. All around the nation are luxurious resorts, seaside communities, and stunning beaches. San Jose, the capital, has several places to dine and shop, as well as colonial buildings and fun activities for kids. Other interesting cities are Puerto Limón and Quesada. Jaco, Santa Teresa, and Tamarindo are just a few of the beach towns that are home to lively nightlife scenes, chilled atmospheres, and world-class surfing conditions.

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