Malaysia Travel Guide

by Ontravlex
Top view of Kuala Lumper skyline at twilight

Malaysia would undoubtedly win any diversity-based awards that were given out. Malaysia is not only home to people of many different ethnicities but also to a diverse array of religious beliefs and delicious cuisines. The country’s topography is just as varied, with both vast island groups and mountains, as well as rich highlands, tropical rainforests, and mangrove estuaries.

As an added bonus, Malaysia is unlike any other nation since it consists of two distinct landmasses. East Malaysia is located on the island of Borneo, which is separated from West Malaysia by the South China Sea. Both peninsulas are shared by Thailand and Indonesia.

Kuala Lumpur, West Malaysia’s capital, is a thriving metropolis with towering skyscrapers, upscale retail areas, cultural institutions, hotels, and restaurants serving foreign cuisine and a vibrant nightlife. Melaka is a city steeped in culture, history, and architecture. The stunning colonial architecture of George Town and the island’s delicious food have made Penang a popular tourist destination. When you go to the Cameron Highlands, you may enjoy the cool temperature and beautiful landscape of the surrounding flower fields and tea plantations. Redang is a scuba diver’s paradise, and the islands of Tioman, Langkawi, and the Perhentians are among the most beautiful in the world.

The East Malaysian peninsula is home to Borneo’s untamed jungles, rainforests, remarkable cave systems, orangutans, granite peaks, and isolated people. Access to these natural wonders is made easy by major towns like Kuching and Kota Kinabalu.

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