Chile Travel Guide

by Ontravlex

Chile, a country that stretches along the western coast of South America, is one of the continent’s top tourist destinations. It offers beautiful beach towns to visit, as well as snow-capped stratovolcanoes, gigantic sand dunes, and plenty of watersports and wildlife-watching options.

It takes up almost the whole northeast of the continent and shares land borders with all of the other countries in the area except Chile and Ecuador.

Brazil’s terrain and cities are as diverse as the country’s cultural traditions, ranging from the Amazon rainforest in the north to the tropical beaches of the south, and from the Pantanal wetlands to the bustling metropolises of the southeast.

Culture in Brazil is a vibrant fusion of Portuguese, Native American, European, and African influences, as befits a nation that was home to multiple indigenous tribes for thousands of years before being conquered by Portugal in the 16th century.

There are many beautiful cities in Brazil. Ouro Petro is one of the best-preserved colonial towns in the nation, in contrast to the ultra-modern landscape that is Brasilia, the capital.

Rio de Janeiro is a popular tourist destination due to its proximity to the Amazon Rainforest, its vibrant nightlife, and the massive Christ the Redeemer monument.

Its biggest and wealthiest metropolis, Sao Paulo, is also one of the most vibrant and diverse in Brazil. Salvador, like many other major cities, is home to both fascinating museums and a stunning coastline. Recife’s picturesque bridges and canals have earned it the nickname “Venice of Brazil.” The Amazon jungle is most often entered via Manaus.

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Vincent July 9, 2017 - 2:11 am

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