Argentina Travel Guide

by Ontravlex

Argentina is a huge, elongated country in southern South America. It is well-known for the tango, the pampas, and its meat. The southernmost city in the world, Ushuaia, is situated on its lower coast, while the tallest mountain in the Americas, Aconcagua, is on its western border.

Before the Spanish colonisation of Argentina in the 16th and 17th centuries, the country was inhabited by just a few indigenous tribes.

The country is now a republic with a wide range of ecosystems, from fertile plains to dense rainforest, gorgeous mountains to pastoral steppes, and spectacular glaciers.

Buenos Aires, the country’s capital, is known as one of the liveliest places on earth because of its tango culture, vibrant barrios, exciting nightlife, and world-class arts and culture. Awe-inspiring glaciers, icebergs, and mountains may be found in the huge Pantagonia area, while the undulating landscape of Latin America’s biggest wine region can be found in Mendoza. The Swiss-like settlement of San Carlos de Bariloche, the beautiful beaches of Mar del Plata, and the historic architecture of Cordoba are all major tourist draws in Argentina.

Unique opportunities to see whales, seals, penguins, and sea lions, as well as other marine mammals, may be found in the Peninsula Valdes. Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world, is a great starting point for expeditions to Antarctica.

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