Colombia Travel Guide

by Ontravlex

Colombia is home to some of South America’s most gorgeous beaches, towering mountains, vibrant cities, and quaint colonial villages, and is a popular tourist destination in its own right. There’s much for everyone to enjoy, from the vibrant culinary and music scenes to the diverse history and culture to discover.

Its location in the northwest portion of the continent gives it access to the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, both of which have long and beautiful coastlines. Colombia is a very varied nation, with mountainous parts, thick Amazon rainforest, and low-lying plains across its interior, sharing borders with Panama, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador. Along its beautiful coasts, you’ll find many unspoiled beaches and picture-perfect tropical islands.

Bogota, the vibrant capital of Colombia, is located on a high plateau in the Andes Mountains, making it easily accessible to tourists. The “Athens of South America” is home to some fantastic museums, eateries, and nightclubs, in addition to the charming colonial architecture and mediaeval churches of La Candelaria, its historic core.

The second and third biggest cities in Colombia, Medellin and Cali, attract a sizable tourist population as well. In contrast to the legendary thumping salsa clubs of the latter, the former is today renowned for its pleasant environment and a thriving cultural scene that draws visitors. Cartagena, located along the sparkling Caribbean coast, is a must-see for its magnificent old city and lively nightlife, as is Barranquilla for its fun and colourful carnival.

San Augustin and Ciudad Perdida de Teyuni are two of Colombia’s most impressive ancient sites, while Amacayacu and Los Nevados national parks are excellent destinations for stunning hikes through Colombia’s woods and volcanoes when you get out of the towns. Providencia, Isla Gorgona, and Corales del Rosario are just a few of the beautiful islands where you can rest and recharge after a day of exploring.

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Vincent July 9, 2017 - 2:11 am

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