10 Most Beautiful National Parks in France

by France User

Natural wonders abound in France, from the magnificent coastline of the south to the mighty Alps and the bucolic rolling countryside. And that’s without even mentioning the breathtaking scenery of France’s overseas territories.

It would take months to visit all there is to see in France, with amazing cities like Paris, Lyon, and Bordeaux to discover. France, being one of the world’s most visited nations, never ceases to amaze and enchant its guests, who are sure to enjoy the country’s many famous landmarks, delicious regional specialties, and rich cultural traditions. If you’re planning a vacation to France, you’ll be happy to know that the country’s 10 national parks are all included here.

10. Cevennes National Park

A stunning view of the Cevennes National Park in Languedoc-Roussillon, France. Image source: David Hughes/Shutterstock.com

Cevennes National Park is a great place to go hiking since it has so many diverse landscapes to explore, and the way the scenery shifts and changes as you walk through it is utterly hypnotic. The diversity of mountains and plateaus included inside the park feature rolling valleys and hills that slope down from their summits, and these are wonderful to view from up high.

In beautiful contrast to the bare rock of the cliffs and plateaus, forests and meadows flourish, while a number of placid rivers and streams wind their way through the hills. Wildflowers and other flora and fauna explode from every crevice in this beautiful national park in Southern France.

9. Port-Cros National Park

Scenic view of Porquerolles Port Cros National Park with crystal clear blue waters and lush greenery in Hyeres, France.

A scenic view of Porquerolles Port Cros National Park in Hyeres, France. Image source: zaferkizilkaya/Shutterstock.com

This lovely Mediterranean national park may be found on the island of Port-Cros, from which it takes its name. Within its borders are three smaller islands with calm, turquoise seas that invite you to relax and unwind.

Beautiful contrasts can be seen between the green vegetation on the islands’ innards and the turquoise seas that surround them, with the beige rocks and sandy beaches that dot the islands’ coastlines serving as a stunning backdrop. To guarantee that the national park’s marine ecology and the islands’ delicate ecosystems are preserved, visitors are limited, and the number of visitors is monitored closely.

Taking a boat out to the islands is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, as the picturesque islands slowly materialize in the distance before you.

8. Pyrenees National Park

Majestic view of the Vignemale mountain in the Pyrenees National Park in Occitanie, South of France.

A view of Vignemale Mountain in Pyrenees National Park, Occitanie, France. Image source: Vaclav Volrab/Shutterstock.com

Amazing beyond words. In this amazing national park, you may find a wide variety of breathtaking vistas just waiting to be explored. The park’s name comes from the mountain range that forms the bulk of its territory, and it has a really breathtaking variety of scenery.

When you’re in awe of the breathtaking environment around you, your mind and soul soar. The snow-capped summits of the Rockies tower above you, creating a spectacular backdrop. As a result, you may go skiing in the mountains’ loftier regions or go along any number of beautiful paths and climbing routes.

The green of the valleys, the grey of the cliffs, the white of the snow, and the blue of the sky all combine to make the Pyrenees National Park a must-see destination.

7. Guiana Amazonian National Park

Beautiful view of the lush rainforest of French Guiana, part of the Amazon jungle, near Belizon Cacao.

A view of the rainforest in Belizon Cacao, French Guiana. Image source: Petr Muckstein/Shutterstock.com

The vast French Guiana National Park was established to save the Amazon rainforest, and as such, it is one of the biggest in the world and offers an incomprehensible variety of experiences. This faraway region can only be reached by aircraft or pirogue, so you may be certain that it is completely unspoiled, untamed, wild, and free.

There are many different kinds of animals and birds in the rainforest, not to mention the many plants and trees. Rivers wind through the forest, while the imposing peak of Mount Galbao juts upwards from the thicket.

Taking a canoe out on the water and paddling down the river is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and the breathtaking Gobaya Soula waterfalls are a must-see. Guiana’s Amazonian National Park is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, with trees as tall as sixty meters towering over you at all times.

6. Vanoise National Park

A view of hiking on the GR5 in Pralognan-la-Vanoise, France. Image source: Pete Stuart/Shutterstock.com

When it comes to natural beauty, nothing beats the biggest national park in continental France. Hikers, mountaineers, and skiers will never want to leave its spectacular premises, which are located in the French Alps, due to the region’s breathtaking natural beauty.

The mountains, valleys, and lakes of La Vanoise are all picture-perfect, and they represent the French Alps in their purest form. As you soar above the clouds, the landscape below takes on a surreal, tiny quality. The Grand Casse is the tallest mountain in the park, and its majesty is enhanced by the massif that surrounds it.

5. Calanques National Park

Hikers will appreciate this coastal park located between Marseille and Cassis for its beautiful, if a little intimidating, clifftop stroll. You follow the often perilous route, picking your way carefully between the scattered rocks as the cliff face drops down on each side. The beautiful view is matched by the blue seas below.

This area of the globe is very beautiful to visit, with its ragged white cliffs and rough rock walls that have delightful tufts of green sprouting from them. The protected seas are home to dolphins and turtles, and sailing around the Calanques Massif, from which the park gets its name, is an amazing experience.

4. Ecrins National Park

Over a hundred peaks rise from the vastness of this national park, and the area’s sixty lakes provide stunning reflections of the surrounding mountains. It would be a shame to miss out on the breathtaking scenery on offer.

Mountaineers and hikers will love the amazing landscape, which is mostly centered on the Massif des Ecrins and encompasses the high realms that are part of the Dauphine Alps. At higher altitudes, the mountains transform from verdant valleys and slopes to stony terrain and snow.

incredible beauty, with over 700 kilometers of routes open to hikers and bikers, and a number of excellent ski areas for winter sports enthusiasts.

3. Mercantour National Park

Mercantour National Park has a lot going for it, what with its seven valleys, rural settlements, and towering peaks. As you explore the park’s various trails and walkways, keep your eyes peeled for marmots, ibex, and chamois among the abundant flora and fauna.

Visitors looking for a thrill may rent a hang glider and leap from one of the cliffs to marvel at the landscape below. On the other hand, the Vallee des Merveilles, with its more than 36,000 rock carvings, is a must-see for history buffs.

In addition to these points of interest, the valleys and lakes scattered across the maritime Alps offer a stunning setting against which to explore the region. The Gordolasque Valley and its meandering river are among the most picturesque sights in the park.

2. Guadeloupe National Park

Even though it’s a long way from mainland France, it’s well worth it to visit this biodiversity hotspot because of all the amazing activities you can do there. The tropical rainforest and the majestic massif of the mountains in this Caribbean national park are home to a vast variety of animals, birds, and insects, making it well worth a visit if you have the opportunity.

Amazing waterfalls, hidden in the hot, thick vegetation, are waiting to be discovered. For example, the Carbet Falls are a succession of waterfalls on the slopes of La Soufriere volcano, plunging to enormous depths surrounded by pure tropical greenery. The hikes here are breathtaking, and the rainforest’s sounds will stay with you long after you leave this heaven on Earth.

1. Réunion National Park

It is impossible to overstate how beautiful this island is; fortunate visitors will be sorry to leave. This national park in the French overseas territory of La Reunion has a volcanic environment that is home to a number of different ecosystems, and it is located on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

Therefore, it is rich in plant and animal life, and the many trails and routes that wind through the mountains make it a favorite destination for hikers and mountaineers. Fans of the great outdoors will find a lot to appreciate in this remarkable location thanks to the presence of lush rainforests, breathtaking waterfalls, and a wide variety of native animals and plants.

Tourists may take in breathtaking views from vantage points all throughout the island, including atop the twin volcanoes, Piton des Neiges and Piton de la Fournaise. The La Réunion National Park is amazing and well worth the travel time and expense.

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