8 tips to dealing with money when travelling in a group

by ontravelx

When traveling with others, money can quickly become a major source of concern, particularly if you’re not all rolling in the same denominations. Disagreement might arise while on a trip with others and discovering that everything costs a bit more than expected.

For this reason, it’s crucial to always have a plan B. To avoid stressing about the euro balance in your wallet or your friends’ wallets and instead focus on the sights and sounds of the continent, consider the following budgeting suggestions.

Decide on a rough budget beforehand

The likelihood is that your financial resources vary. It’s not right to constantly flaunt your wealth in front of the poorer partner, but neither should you allow them to prevent you from enjoying yourself.

When traveling in a group, you must recognize and respect that everyone has a different travel budget and set of priorities. The group can better plan and understand what they can and cannot accomplish if they agree on a basic daily budget.

Understand each other’s different budgets

Stick to your financial plan after you’ve established it. Don’t embarrass your partner if they have to back out of plans due to a lack of funds. Let them choose their own priorities and work within their means.

Recognize that not everyone’s priorities or budget will be the same. Don’t make things awkward by calling attention to your buddy, and don’t take it personally if they do the same to you.

Keep a written record of what you owe and are owed

Even if you don’t give a hoot about a few more euros here and there, someone else in your group probably will.

Receipts for all purchases ensure that everyone is treated fairly. Someone in the group will always feel like they’ve forked out more than their fair share; keeping track of the money in a notebook or on an electronic record can assist in settling any disputes.

Thankfully, there’s an app called Splitwise that can assist with that. Make use of it to keep track of money spent by everyone and then have the totals added up automatically.

Relax, and have a buffer

Managing money while traveling with a large group can be challenging. I know firsthand how easy it is to overindulge when someone suggests you get a snack or a drink, even if you aren’t really hungry or thirsty. Things will quickly heat up in a group.

But I can assure you that these are the peak periods for travel. Be sure to have a little emergency fund saved up so that you won’t have to sulk when it’s time to pay your fair share of the bar tab after a fun night out.

Don’t be tight

You will spoil the pleasure for everyone, including yourself, if you are miserly. Tell your buddies up front that you’re on a limited budget, but after that, try not to bring it up too much. A complainer is the worst possible company for a pleasant meal or drink. Gently withdraw from the situation without making a fuss. 

Save money as a group

Money can be saved on travel, entertainment, and lodging if you book as a group. Look for ways to save money by traveling in a large group while completing your research. Making little adjustments (such as using couch beds in rental flats) can add up to significant savings.

Stock the car up

As a group, you could save a lot of money by taking a car from the United Kingdom to Europe. Eurotunnel allows up to nine passengers to travel in one car, so if you plan it properly and get a discount, you could make the trip for just a few pounds per person. There aren’t any baggage costs for using a car instead of flying. Everything you need can easily fit into your car, relieving you of that burden.

Because of your car, you can save money on lodging and food by camping out and bringing your own food. A camping stove would be welcome!


Determine together how far you’re willing to go in order to save cash. There are a variety of unconventional places to sleep, such as hostels, public transportation, and cars. In that manner, everyone can make an informed decision.

Keep in mind that a disagreement over a few euros here and there is not worth ruining your relationship. Save a few euros for a bottle of the local drink if you want to truly wow the group and bring them all together on the last night. This is the ideal way to conclude the vacation, yet it won’t cost you anything at all.

Have any of you ever experienced difficulties with group travel due to monetary concerns? Tell us about your encounter. How about some extra advice? Be sure to share your thoughts below!

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