Kenya Travel Guide

by Ontravlex
Mt. Kilimanjaro as seen from Amboseli National Park in Kenya

Kenya, known for its unforgettable savanna safaris, is a land of striking contrasts and dramatic extremes. There are arid landscapes and snowy mountains; verdant forests and wide-open grasslands; the bustling city of Nairobi; vibrant tribal cultures; clear lakes; and colourful reefs. Kenya represents all of East Africa in the minds of many.

The historic nation of Kenya is home to a wide variety of cultures. Due to the population explosion, there are now mostly young people of various racial and tribal backgrounds. In spite of the country’s political and economic climate, the people are optimistic and proud of their country. The majority of the population can communicate in English or Swahili, the two official languages. Travelers visiting Kenya may experience the rich history and culture of the region, sometimes called the “Cradle of Mankind.”

Kenya’s diverse ecosystems support a broad variety of animals, from the coastlines of its coral reefs and deep tropical forests to its vast grassland savannahs and its highest mountain summits. Nairobi, Kenya’s main city, is home to a national park teeming with wild animals. Because of this, safari tourism is crucial to Kenya’s economy. While its infrastructure isn’t great, Kenya is nevertheless a top destination for safaris.

Kenya’s natural wonders almost appear too many for a country of its size (around the same size as Texas). All the way from the northern border with Somalia to the southern border with Tanzania, the Great Rift Valley can be seen cutting through Kenya. Lake Turkana, the biggest body of water in Kenya, reaches north into Ethiopia. Somalia’s deserts extend into northern Kenya. To the east, Kenya has a shared border with Uganda, which also has access to Lake Victoria. Visitors may choose from a variety of safari experiences thanks to Kenya’s many ecosystems, whether they want a relaxing weekend in a luxury tented lodge in Amboseli or an all-terrain vehicle journey across the Masai Mara with a new location each day.

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